Nikitasa Mishra
7 min readNov 30, 2023

Dalia Recipe | Dalia Khichdi | Sweet Daliya

Dalia or broken wheat is a solid fixing that is much of the time utilized in Indian homes. Dalia or Daliya is utilized in India for making numerous sweet as well as exquisite dishes. Here, I am sharing 2 dalia recipes.

Dalia Khichdi - Appetizing rendition made with blend vegetables.
Sweet Dalia - Really great for youngsters or the individuals who like the sweet taste.

About Dalia Khichdi
Here is a solid and delectable one-pot dinner of flavorful daliya khichdi made with blended vegetables and broken wheat.

Fundamentally Dalia is the Hindi expression for broken oats. Notwithstanding, broken wheat is by and large called as dalia in North India.

Dalia is viewed as one of the most straightforward and quality food, low in fat and cholesterol, high in iron and fiber, great in carbs. Frequently prescribed to growing up children or individuals recuperating from sickness.

Dalia is exceptionally simple to process. On the off chance that your stomach is vexed then dalia and moong dal khichdi are two recipes that are frequently suggested. A considerable lot of us should have recollections of having dalia and khichdi while recuperating from disease.

This dish has a porridge-like consistency. In any case, certain individuals make it somewhat thick as well. At home, we by and large have dalia went with yogurt yet it tends to be had plain as well. You can have this dish as a morning meal as well.

The vegetables I typically add in dalia Khichdi are carrots, peas, potatoes, onions, cauliflowers, french beans and tomatoes. For a punch, you can likewise little capsicum too. Peas and potatoes are in many cases utilized in most vegetable dalia recipes.

You can likewise add some mung lentils in this dalia khichdi. Add the mung lentils when you add the dalia. I make one pot dinners like dalia, khichdi, veg pulao when I have less chance to cook.

A few people could do without the boring taste of dalia as this is typically ready for individuals recuperating from infection. In any case, on the off chance that you intend to serve dalia to a sound individual, you can make the daliya recipe minimal zesty as well as delightful.

Instructions to make dalia recipe
1. Slash every one of the veggies. Measure and save every one of the fixings prepared for making daliya.
2. In a 3-liter strain cooker, heat 1 tablespoon oil or ghee. Keep fire to medium-low and add 1 teaspoon cumin seeds in the hot oil and let them pop.
3. Then, at that point, add 1 medium-sized onion which has been hacked finely.
4. Saute till the onions become clear.
5. Then, at that point, add 1 inch finely slashed ginger and 1 to 2 finely hacked green chilies.
6. Saute for certain seconds or till the crude smell of ginger disappears on a low fire.

7. Add 1 medium-sized finely hacked tomato.
8. Saute for 1 moment.
9. Presently add ½ cup of hacked potatoes, ½ cup of cleaved carrots and ½ cup of green peas (new or frozen).
10. Saute for 2 minutes on low to medium-low fire. Continue to mix at stretches.
11. In the mean time wash 1 cup dalia in water utilizing a fine sifter.
12. Channel the water and keep the dalia aside. You can flush the dalia prior to getting ready however it barely requires investment to wash and strain the water.
13. Add the flushed dalia to the veggies. Saute for 3 to 4 minutes on a low fire.
14. Add 4 cups of water and salt as required.
15. Mix well.

Cooking dalia khichdi
16. On medium fire, pressure cook for 10 to 12 whistles or till the dalia is cooked well. Timing relies on the nature of the dalia. So it will fluctuate.
17. In the event that the dalia has not cooked totally, add some more water and strain cook for a couple of whistles more or cook without the top till they are relaxed and you get a porridge-like consistency.
18. Once finished, decorate vegetable dalia with coriander leaves and Serve dalia hot or warm.


▢1 cup dalia (broken wheat or broke wheat)
▢1 medium estimated onion, finely cleaved
▢1 inch ginger, finely cleaved
▢1 or 2 green chilies, finely cleaved
▢1 medium estimated tomato, finely cleaved
▢½ cup cleaved carrots
▢½ cup cleaved potatoes
▢½ cup green peas, new or frozen
▢4 cups water
▢1 teaspoon cumin
▢1 tablespoon oil or ghee (explained spread)
▢salt as required

About Sweet Daliya Recipe
This sweet dalia is made with broke wheat (broken wheat), milk, sugar and dry natural products. You can call likewise it a sweet porridge.

This sweet dalia or meetha dalia is preferred by kids as well. Additionally like by those individuals are more attached to the sweet variant as opposed to the flavorful dalia.

I in all actuality do add a few dry organic products in sweet dalia, yet it is completely discretionary. You can likewise add the decision of your dry organic products.

The whole recipe has been made in a tension cooker. However you can likewise cook it in a dish.

Serve sweet dalia warm or at room temperature. Extras can be refrigerated and afterward served later.

The most effective method to make sweet daliya recipe
Pressure cooking dalia

1. Heat 1 tablespoon ghee in a 2 liter tension cooker.
2. Keep fire to medium-low and add ½ cup dalia (broke wheat, broken wheat).
3. Blend it in with the ghee and on a low to medium-low fire. Then start to cook it in ghee.
4. Mix constantly while cooking.
5. Broil for 3 to 4 minutes on a low to medium-low fire. The dalia will become sweet-smelling and the variety will change.

6. Then add 1.5 to 1.75 cups water. In the event that utilizing a huge cooker, add more water.
7. Mix and blend well indeed.
8. On a medium fire pressure cook for around 5 to 6 whistles or 5 to 6 minutes.
9. At the point when the tension settles down all alone, eliminate the cover and check if the dalia is cooked well. While perhaps not then add more water and strain cook once more.

Making sweet daliya

10. Add 1.5 cups milk to the cooked dalia.
11. Add ⅓ cup sugar or add as required.
12. Blend well and keep the cooker on a medium-low fire.
13. Allow the blend to come to a stew and delicate bubble. Mix on occasion.
14. Stew for 8 to 9 minutes. Do mix so the milk doesn't adhere to the lower part of the cooker. Check the taste and add more sugar whenever required. For a somewhat slight sweet dalia, you can likewise add more milk. The consistency of this sweet dalia is like rice kheer. Do take note of that on cooling the dalia thickens. so add milk as per the consistency you need.

15. Add ½ teaspoon cardamom powder.
16. Add 1 tablespoon hacked almonds and 1 tablespoon slashed cashews.
17. Blend well and stew daliya briefly.
18. Serve daliya hot or warm.

For Cooking
▢1 tablespoon Ghee
▢½ cup dalia or 100 grams broke wheat or broken wheat
▢1.5 to 1.75 cups water
For Making Sweet Daliya
▢1.5 cups milk or add as required
▢⅓ cup sugar or add according to taste
▢½ teaspoon cardamom powder
▢1 tablespoon cleaved almonds
▢1 tablespoon cleaved cashews

Enjoy 😋