Nikitasa Mishra
8 min readSep 18, 2023

Halwa poori 😋

Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty) on Unsplash

Poori is a well known rotisserie flatbread that is served for breakfast across Pakistan and India. Poori is important for a well known end of the week breakfast called Halwa Puri, which is fundamentally a platter of pooris presented with halwa, punjabi chole masala and aloo ki bhujia (potato curry). Today, I will show you how to make delectable delicate poori at home with bit by bit tips. Match it with this Suji ka Halwa , Aloo ki Bhujia and Punjabi Chole Masala for a lipsmacking informal breakfast.

Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty) on Unsplash

As referenced above, halwa poori is a blend platter comprising of delicate, flaky poori breads, suji ka halwa, Punjabi chole otherwise known as chana masala, and aloo ki bhujia (or aloo ki tarkari) and a pickle of some kind or another.

In any case, first we should begin with the superstar, and let me walk you through bit by bit on the best way to make poori at home.

Regular baking flour and entire wheat flour (atta): Most recipes call for either only regular baking flour OR entire wheat flour (atta). However, I like to utilize a blend of both, on the grounds that the regular baking flour gives delicateness to the poori, while the entire wheat flour adds to the design of the poori.
Yogurt: Adding only a bit of piece of yogurt to the poori mixture guarantees that your poori ends up being delicate at home.
Ajwain seeds: This is discretionary and generally for some character. Ajwain likewise assists with assimilation.
Oil: Only a tad piece of oil likewise assists with keeping the poori delicate.
Warm water: You really want warm water to manipulate to poori batter until a tight mixture structures.

Instructions to MAKE Delicate POORI/PURI AT HOME

  • Poori can be seen as somewhat precarious to make at home, yet stress not. Today I will walk you through how to make delectable and flaky pooris at home!
  • Begin by blending all the poori mixture fixings with the exception of the warm water
  • Progressively add warm water and work the batter until a delicate however close mixture structures. The batter ought to nor be too delicate nor excessively hard.
  • Once the poori batter is prepared, cover it with a material and let it rest for 10-15 mins.
    After the mixture has rested, partition it into little batter balls and begin carrying them out.
  • Straighten every mixture ball a smidgen with your fingers, and afterward fold them into level meager circles. They should be rolled dainty with the goal that they effectively puff up while searing. A tip to forestall the batter adhering to the surface while rolling, simply spot a smidgen of oil on the mixture balls while smoothing them with your fingers before you begin folding them into circles.
  • Roll out a few poori dough balls at a time, because pooris fry quickly and you need to work fast to roll out the dough balls. So I like to roll out a few at time, and then cover them with a damp cloth so that they don’t dry out fast.
  • To check if the oil is hot enough for frying the poori, add a small piece of dough into the oil and if it floats up and sizzles, the oil is at the right temperature. The oil should be quite hot, because the pooris need to fry quickly.
  • Gently slide in the poori and fry until it floats up and starts puffing up. Using a slotted spoon, gently flip the poori and then press softly with the slotted spoon. Do not fry the pooris for too long as that will make them too crispy.

Fry until the poori is a pale golden brown color. Remove and place on a plate lined with kitchen paper towel.

Ways to make Completely Delicate POORI AT HOME

  • The poori mixture ought to be somewhat solid/tight, and not excessively delicate. This is so the mixture can be handily carried out without adhering to the surface.
  • Adding yogurt is discretionary, however it helps in making delicate pooris.
    While moving the mixture ball into poori, add a smidgen of oil to the batter ball so it doesn’t adhere to the surface while rolling.
    The way to making amazing pooris is that they ought to puff while searing. On the off chance that your poori doesn’t puff up while broiling, either the oil is too hot or cold or the batter wasn’t plied alright.
  • Try not to let the pooris fry for a really long time or, more than likely they will turn out to be excessively brown and firm.

▢1 cup all purpose flour maida
▢2 cups whole wheat flour / atta
▢1/4 teaspoon ajwain / carom seeds optional
▢2 tablespoons yogurt
▢2-3 tablespoons oil
▢Warm water for kneading the dough
▢Oil for deep frying

Photo by Nisha Ramesh on Unsplash


Suji ka halwa is your exemplary regular tasty North Indian sweet made with fine semolina or cream of wheat (farina), sugar, ghee, nuts and seasoned with cardamom powder. In Maharashtra, this sweet is called as Sheera. Semolina is called as suji, sooji or rava. This simple dissolve in-the-mouth halwa recipe meets up in around 15 minutes. The recipe I share is a family treasure recipe that we have been making for quite a long time during family social gatherings, exceptional events and celebrations.

Sooji Halwa Extents
Sooji halwa recipe is many times made in mass on merry or strict events. If you have any desire to make an enormous amount, then, at that point, there is a sure extent you need to follow.

The proportion of suji to sugar to water to ghee is 1:1:2:0.5 in a cup or glass estimation. I somewhat veer off from this extent and add a piece less ghee and sugar.

Sugar - For 1 cup of sooji or rava, I add ⅔ or ¾ cup of sugar. So the suji halwa has less pleasantness or is simply sweet. 1 cup of sugar gives an exceptionally sweet taste

Ghee - I likewise add ⅔ cup ghee for 1 cup of suji. As far as I might be concerned, ⅔ cup is a lot of ghee. Decrease or increment the ghee assuming you like.
Water - I add 2.5 cups water for 1 cup of suji. However you might add 2 cups of water. How much water can likewise be expanded relying upon the nature of the rava and on the off chance that you need a pudding-like smooth consistency.

The most effective method to make Suji ka Halwa Recipe
Simmering suji or rava

• Heat ⅓ cup ghee in a kadai or a thick lined skillet. Hold the intensity to a low or medium-low. Utilize a weighty skillet or probably there is a gamble of the suji getting scorched.

  1. At the point when the ghee is getting warmed, simultaneously keep sugar and water to bubble in a dish on an alternate burner.
  2. Add ½ cup sooji (rava or semolina). Utilize a fine assortment of sooji and not the coarser assortment.
  3. Likewise add 10 to 12 cashews divided or entirety.
  4. Blend well overall and begin simmering the sooji and cashews.
  5. Continue to mix the sooji with the goal that the grains don’t adhere to the skillet and are cooked equally.
  6. Broil sooji till you can see the ghee getting isolated and when you see the cashews getting brilliant. The shade of the suji or rava shouldn’t become brown. There will likewise be a fragrant smell of suji and ghee in your kitchen.
  7. Cooking suji takes approx 7 to 8 minutes on a low intensity. This step is significant since, supposing that sooji isn’t simmered well then you won’t get the ideal surface in the halwa. There will be a slight crude desire for the halwa.
  8. Helpful hint - note that when the cashews get brilliant, the suji will likewise be broiled well. So continue to mix and trust that the cashews will get brilliant.
  9. When the suji is seared well, then, at that point, add 1 teaspoon chironji (discretionary), 2 tablespoons brilliant raisins (kishmish) and a spot of palatable camphor (discretionary).
  10. Next add ½ teaspoon cardamom powder (4 to 5 green cardamoms, powdered in a mortar-pestle, husks disposed of). You can likewise add cut almonds or pistachios.
    Blend well.
  11. Making sugar answer for halwa
  12. At the point when you keep the sooji for cooking in the ghee, simultaneously, take ⅓ cup sugar in another dish or pot.
  13. Here I have utilized crude sugar and subsequently the shade of the water isn’t straightforward yet a light brown. I generally utilize raw crude sugar in practically the entirety of my cooking. Go ahead and utilize white sugar in this halwa recipe. You can add a similar measure of white sugar.
  14. Pour 1.25 cups of water.
  15. Keep the skillet on a burner on medium-low to medium intensity. With a spoon mix so the sugar breaks up.
  16. Heat the water+sugar answer for the point of boiling.
  17. When you mix the raisins, cardamom powder and chironji, then, at that point, pour the bubbling and percolating sugar arrangement in the ghee-sooji blend gradually, with consistent blending. Pour cautiously, as the combination sizzles and splutters.
  18. Blend very well so that irregularities are not shaped. Break the knots if any with a spoon.
  19. The sooji grains will start to ingest the water and swell.
  20. The blend will begin thickening. Continue to mix frequently.
  21. The halwa blend has thickened yet at the same time delicate, clammy and the consistency is like that of pudding.
  22. When everything the water is consumed, you will see the adjustment of the surface.
  23. The ghee additionally will be apparent along the edges.
  24. Continue blending and cooking till you get the last surface of the rava sheera like the beneath picture. All the water ought to be retained and the halwa will leave the sides of the dish.
  25. Serve suji ka halwa hot or warm or at the room temperature. Extra suji halwa can be refrigerated. Prior to serving warm in a little container or in a microwave.
Photo by Neetu Laddha on Unsplash