Nikitasa Mishra
6 min readNov 7, 2023

Kalakand | special sweets for diwali | diwali sweets

Kalakand is an Indian sweet fudge made with milk and seasoned with cardamom. This is a simple and flavorful sweet to make for exceptional occassions and Indian celebrations like Diwali, Raksha Bandhan and so on.

Indian desserts are in many cases exceptionally basic on paper yet not that simple to make. One of the primary Indian desserts that I figured out how to make was Kalakand. It's a basic fudge made with milk. The conventional strategy includes coagulating the milk to make chena and afterward cooking that chena with more decreased milk until everything meets up. In any case, presently I favor the technique utilizing consolidated milk. It truly chops down the time but the outcomes are comparative.

Entire milk: I suggest involving entire milk for this kalakand recipe. It results is more chena, without fat milk won't give you this much chena. Assuming you live in the US, take a stab at utilizing milk from neighborhood dairy, that gives the best outcomes.

Lemon juice: you can utilize either lemon juice or yogurt to sour the milk. I wouldn't suggest utilizing vinegar here. As far as I can tell, vinegar results in a firmer/harder chena. So I use it while making paneer yet for making chena for desserts, I generally use either lemon juice or yogurt to coagulate the milk.

Dense milk: the improved consolidated milk can't be supplanted in this recipe. Assuming that you wish to utilize sugar, you use make kalakand the customary way (see beneath).

Flavorings: the kalakand is seasoned with cardamom powder and smidgen of rose water. I certainly suggest utilizing cardamom powder, you can skirt the rose water in the event that you like. You might season this with some saffron strands.

3 bits of kalakand served on a little round copper plate with a tealight behind the scenes
At the point when I began making Indian sweet at home, it was likely on the grounds that I missed home so a lot and making and eating the desserts, I grew up eating caused me to feel near and dear (all things considered, as close as one can feel). Be that as it may, throughout the long term, I really began getting a charge out of making Indian desserts.

I need to admit, making mithai is something that I partake in the most, alongside baking. It gives me enormous fulfillment when my mithais turn out awesome. Also, I'm continuously searching for ways and strategies to improve them and offer with you all.

Indian desserts are in many cases extremely basic on paper yet not that simple to make. One of the primary Indian desserts that I figured out how to make was Kalakand. It's a basic fudge made with milk. The conventional technique includes coagulating the milk to make chena and afterward cooking that chena with more diminished milk until everything meets up. In any case, presently I favor the strategy utilizing dense milk. It truly chops down the time but the outcomes are comparable.

Bit by bit Guidelines
1-To a weighty base skillet, add 6 cups (1.4 liters) of entire milk. Set intensity to medium-high.

2-Mix frequently and let the milk reach boiling point. Then, at that point, switch off the intensity.

3-Now, begin adding lemon juice, 1 tablespoon at an at once after every option.

4-At a certain point, the milk will sour totally and whey will isolate. I utilized a sum of 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon lemon juice to cause the milk to coagulate totally. The amount of lemon juice can fluctuate contingent upon the nature of milk you are utilizing.

5-Line a sifter with muslin fabric and pour the soured milk over it. Wash the new chena that you just ready under running water. This is essential to dispose of that lemon flavor.

6-Bring the finishes of the muslin material together and tie them in the middle. Press water from the chena. You really want to crush the water well, but don't extract the hell from it. You truly do require some wetness in the chena, that is significant for a sodden and delicate kalakand. I estimated the chena as of now and it brought about 225 grams of new chena.

7-Bind the muslin fabric to your sink tap (or elsewhere where it can hang) and let it hang for 10 minutes.

8-To a skillet currently, add the arranged chena. To that add 3/fourth of a 14 oz. container of consolidated milk. You can utilize the whole can for a better kalakand. Change pleasantness level to taste.

9-Blend the chena and improved dense milk together well utilizing a spatula. Set intensity to low.

10-Begin cooking the combination on low intensity, mixing frequently. At first the blend will be exceptionally dainty.

11-However as you continue to cook, the combination will begin to thicken and begin leaving the sides of the container.

12-After around 10 to 12 minutes of cooking on low intensity, it will meet up, thicken a lot and leave the sides. As of now add 1 teaspoon rose water and 3/4 teaspoon cardamom powder. Blend well.

13-It took me 12 minutes on low intensity to arrive at this stage where it was sufficiently thick and was leaving the sides of the skillet however was as yet not dry.

It can require you pretty much investment relying upon the thickness of the skillet and power of the intensity. Recollect to not over-cook, it shouldn't dry out but rather still be delicious else the kalakand will turn chewy. Right away, eliminate skillet from heat.

14-Move combination to a lubed container or a skillet fixed with aluminum foil or material paper. I utilized a 8 inch square skillet yet spread the blend on just 50% of the dish as I needed thick kalakand pieces. Smooth out the combination utilizing a spatula.

15-Sprinkle slashed nuts on top, I sprinkled a few pistachios. Allow it to set for 2 to 3 hours at room temperature.

16-Once set, cut kalakand into pieces. I got 16 bits of kalakand from this combination. Keep it refrigerated.

Since, kalakand is a milk based sweet, it ought to be kept refrigerated. It tastes best when newly consumed. I would suggest consuming custom made kalakand in the span of 3 days for best outcomes.

Conventional Kalakand (without consolidated milk)
Customarily, kalakand is made exclusively with milk and sugar. To make it the customary way, this is the very thing you want to do. You would require 2 liters of entire milk and this interaction will take significantly longer.

Begin by bubbling and souring 1 liter of entire milk. You would require around 1 and 1/2 to 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to sour the milk. Then wash the chena and follow a similar cycle as referenced previously.

Enjoy 😋

Nikitasa Mishra
Nikitasa Mishra

Written by Nikitasa Mishra

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